I've heard...
Monday, Monday, Monday. My best day! No too boring lessons, start late and end early, and you've got lots of energy after the weekend so you laugh at anything and anyone :D
Me and Sophia P has had fun the whole day. I think we came to the conclusion that both of us rules at playing billiards (or pool). (oh no, not a lie at all..)
When I came home we went directly to ice skate some before the sun went down. Niiice (y)
The only thing that didn't make me so happy today was something at school that I know some of you knows about, because you did it. I actually laugh at it, but it wasn't the nicest thing to do to a person. Just so you know.
My cold is really bad... My nose is going to explode. Byebye.
I look like a total beginner... which I'm not
My sister is the cutie ♥
Ice skating
Today I bought new ice skates! Figure skating skates :D
I tried them for the first time on the sea just 5 minutes from my house. It was dark and a bit bumpy, but sooo fun! Last time I ice skated was on my leaving party last summer. I can tell you that my sister is kind of a pro! She teaches me lots of cool stuff. We've already decided to go skate tomorrow after school before dusk.
Now I'm going to spend some time with Facebook (uhm, boring I know..)
These are now mine, but mine are white an pink ;)
Love Story
I love this song, gives so many memories. I miss home ♥
Love Story - Taylor Swift
We were both young
I feel even worse today... My throat is really bad, and my mood is at the bottom. I cry for nothing.. Not really for nothing, I always have my reasons.
Even in this condition, I'm of to The Natural History Museum today with the family. May sound boring, but I love museums! Yep, true ;)
Time for some lunch!
Don't wake me up
Oh, it feels good to finally get to bed.
It's been an amazing night out with friends :)
My throat is really bad at the moment...
I love the feeling when you know you don't have to pack your school bag, don't have to worry about what to wear the next day, don't need to do any homework and best of all: you don't have to get up at 6.00 am.
That's the feeling you get at Friday night.
Tomorrow I can sleep as long as I want to, I don't need to put any makeup on and I can hang around in a t-shirt and a pair of baggy trousers.
So long my dear friends ;)
Sitting in my room and having a bit of a "girls only" time with my sister.
Laughter, music, guitar and graffiti nailpolish is the thing!
Her wacky jokes are just too fun :P
I love her :) (and ofc my spotifylist xD)
Hihi, I love that I can get up at 7.15 instead of 7.00, or at 6.15 instead of 6.00 those mornings I don't need to spend ages to do my hair!
But not tomorrow, 'cause I gotta do my hair... So I'm up at 6.00 am tomorrow.
Now you know...
Top Model 15
Someone watching tonight? 20.00 tv3 (in sweden)
That we didn't mean
This may sound different, but I love school!
Well, not all the hard work and exams and hw and that kinda stuff, but the atmosphere, your friends, big things happening, shows, trips, you know!
Yet I wake up every morning thinking: "no, not school, I can't do this anymore.."
Today I was told my singing lessons will start 18th of February. Can't wait!
But I have to decide a song I'm going to work on.. Any ideas??
I have a lack of pictures...
Spring 2011
Eva Blouse - Gina Tricot 249 kr
Kitten Pants - BIK BOK 299 kr
Noelle Top - Gina Tricot 149 kr
Top (this one is from Gina Tricot, but I bought a similar one from BIK BOK, but couldn't find it)
BIK BOK - 149 kr
Boyfriend fit jeans - H&M 399 kr
I sooo love these!
That was all! :)
Breaking all the rules
Today I've been shopping with my sistaa all day :D
Woohoo, finally getting my spring collection 2011 to actually look like something!
Pics are coming soon ;)
I totally ♥ shopping, hihi!
Oh, btw, it kinda feels like spring outside, though it's still like -6ºC, but you can really feel the fresh air of spring. That makes me wanna jump and scream :D
The last hours of this weekend I'll just spend chilling out in front of my computa.
Uhhm, except the homework...
This is what I want
Only You
A short but a beautiful song :)
Only You - Joshua Radin
Yep, right now I'm brushing my teeth. Interesting, I know.
I'm so tired I'm already beginning to dream...
I love Fridays :D
Good night u people ;)
Life is confusing.
How can you be so happy that you feel like you're about to fly and just scream with happiness,
though at the same time your heart is broken and you just can't take anymore??
What goes up must come down
I'm soo bad at updating..
School comes first unfortunately.
Well, today I've been in school.
we had a maths competition which went quite well.
I really don't feel well today. I know the reason, but I won't share it with you, though..
And I really hope spring's on its way! The snow's melting, so it's veery slippery.
If it snows again I'm going to seriously freak out.. (even if I know it probably will)
Omg, my head is soo full of things it feels like it's gonna explode, but I can't write it because it's too personal.
Well it feels a bit better by at least saying I'm thinking too much :P
I love this song!
Grenade - Bruno Mars
You won't do the same
Today I've done nothing special.
Trying to clean my room. It's going pretty well actually :P
Well, except from that part when I saw my computer... Think u can guess where I ended up..
Oh, and I gotta record a small presentation of myself to send in to a filming company who needs roles for two films :)
Cya later!
I love cleaning my room, umm noot..
R.I.P ♥
True Colours
I think this song is beautiful, especially the lyrics :)
This guy singing, Jordan Jansen, is absolutely amazing!
True colours
Okey, it's Saturday and I just woke up.
Got home after 1:00 a.m. yesterday (u can't rly say yesterday..)
I have no idea what I'm gonna be up to today.
Guess it'll be homework and tidying my room.
I really want to do something else.
Well, I better get up from bed before I stay here all day.
Oh, btw, I really don't have any pictures left...
Just chose this photo randomly. Don't actually know who took it :P
Today I've been in school form 8.10 till 4.30. sick!
I'm just so tired I feel like falling asleep and never to wake up again.
Other than that, I don't know what to write.
It's been a normal day with boring lessons and amazing friends.
Just like every day!
Thank goodness it's Friday tomorrow!
Mm, I l.o.v.e (I made them)
Go shopping
Shopping after Christmas is the best thing you can do!
Jeans - Gina Tricot, 199 kr (£18.50)
Cardigan - Gina Tricot, 199 kr (£18.50)
Sweatshirt - Gina Tricot, 199 kr (£18.50)
Sweater - BIK BOK, 299 kr (£24.99)
Jacket - BIK BOK, 499 kr (£44.99)
Hey Baby
Sorry for not updating...
Anyway, school started yesterday and it's a lot of fun and I'm so happy getting homework and exams!
noooot.... how could you be?
wellwell, think on the bright side. Is there even one?
I'm glad I have my amazing friends, though ♥
Pleasepleaseplease, could you tell me what you want more of in my blog!
I am so out of ideas, and that means I won't bother write anything.
So if you want me to continue, please give me some good ideas!
Time for me to go make some dinner ;)
Me this weekend :)
You wanted to hear me sing, so here you go!
Me singing "All I Want for Christmas"
Only girl
Today we're driving down to Örebro. That's why I'm up so early..
It's just a short trip, I'll be back tomorrow.
I won't be taking my laptop with me, so see you again tomorrow :)
Photo taken by me.
(yes, I know, I've had it before...)
I could..
It's 10.48 and I'm sitting here like a zombie...
School starts on Monday, and I don't get how I'll be able to get up at 6 every morning.
It's pure torture...
Yesterday Ruth and I went in to Sergel to watch "Eat Pray Love"
I give it 3 of 5 stars. We sat there for 2 hours and in the end we sat half asleep, hehe.
Time to go make something outta this day!
Eat Pray Love - Lyckan, Kärleken och Meningen med livet
One month
I know it's a bit late but anyway:
I'm going to write in english till the end of January
It's because I have a lot of readers who don't understand Swedish and they have to go to Google Translate and so on, and because I love to speak and write in English.
Don't wanna lose my English, you know ;)
Later :)
This is home.
Never again
Du under 2010..
Har du gråtit? Oh ja..
Har du skrattat? Mucho :)
Har du varit lycklig? Både ja och nej.
Har du bråkat med någon? Ja.
Vilka länder har du besökt? Sverige, England, Australien, Singapore, Danmark, Tyskland, Holland
Har du gjort/upplevt något du aldrig gjort/upplevt förut? Ja, massor med saker.
Ångrar du något du gjort/inte har gjort under året? Ja.
Vad önskar du att du gjort mer? Tagit vara på min sista tid i London, och varit mer med familjen.
Vad önskar du att du gjort mindre? Funderat..
Dina vänner under 2010..
Har en vän dött? Nej, som tur är!
Har en vän sökt tröst hos dig? Ja.
Har du sökt tröst hos en vän? Ja.
Har du sovit över hos en vän? Ja, ibland.
Har du varit kär i en vän? Nej.
Har du fått mer en fem nya vänner under året? Oh yes!
2010 har du:
Har du pussat någon? Ja.
Har du varit kär i någon? Jaa.
Har du varit tillsammans med någon? Nej..
Har du sovit med någon av motsatt kön? Nej.
När har du som mest..
Gråtit under år 2010? Under våren...
Skrattat under år 2010? Våren, men hela året!
Var det något du saknade år 2010 som du vill ha år 2011? Jag vet inte, men säkert!
Vilket datum år 2010 kommer du alltid att minnas? Många, men 11, 12 juni och 18 mars till 14 april :)
Har du gråtit? Oh ja..
Har du skrattat? Mucho :)
Har du varit lycklig? Både ja och nej.
Har du bråkat med någon? Ja.
Vilka länder har du besökt? Sverige, England, Australien, Singapore, Danmark, Tyskland, Holland
Har du gjort/upplevt något du aldrig gjort/upplevt förut? Ja, massor med saker.
Ångrar du något du gjort/inte har gjort under året? Ja.
Vad önskar du att du gjort mer? Tagit vara på min sista tid i London, och varit mer med familjen.
Vad önskar du att du gjort mindre? Funderat..
Dina vänner under 2010..
Har en vän dött? Nej, som tur är!
Har en vän sökt tröst hos dig? Ja.
Har du sökt tröst hos en vän? Ja.
Har du sovit över hos en vän? Ja, ibland.
Har du varit kär i en vän? Nej.
Har du fått mer en fem nya vänner under året? Oh yes!
2010 har du:
Har du pussat någon? Ja.
Har du varit kär i någon? Jaa.
Har du varit tillsammans med någon? Nej..
Har du sovit med någon av motsatt kön? Nej.
När har du som mest..
Gråtit under år 2010? Under våren...
Skrattat under år 2010? Våren, men hela året!
Var det något du saknade år 2010 som du vill ha år 2011? Jag vet inte, men säkert!
Vilket datum år 2010 kommer du alltid att minnas? Många, men 11, 12 juni och 18 mars till 14 april :)
The most awesome year of my life - 2010 ♥
Life is like a book - each day is a new chapter
Foto: jag
I could've spent so much time
Hejsanhoppsan :)
Den här tisdagen har jag spelat tv-spel...
Klockan 2 var vi bjudna hem till Jesper och Anna, några som Lea och jag lekte mycket med när vi var små.
Det var kul att träffa dem igen efter 7 år :)
Eftersom skolan börjar snart måste jag vänja mig vid tidigare kvällar..
Så, God Natt :)
Foto: jag
I'm sure
Jag har inte kunnat blogga på hela helgen eftersom bästa Ebba har varit här.
Jag kan skriva lite om helgen :)
Torsdag: Jag hämtade Ebba på Arlanda. På eftermiddagen gick vi och såg Narnia- The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Det roliga var att han som spelar Eustace gick på Harrodian samtidigt som Ebba! Vi blev vääldigt förvånade..
Fredag: Hela dagen sprang vi runt som galningar i huset och dammsög, dammade, dukade, vek servetter, städade..
Klockan 5 kom alla gäster. Det var familjen Bergman, familjen Kungs + en familj som de känner och sen 4 personer till. Vi var 26 stycken (!).
Vi åt väldigt god mat och hade jättekul med lekar och tipspromenader.
När klockan blev tolv gick vi ut och sköt lite raketer. Det var snöstorm så man såg ingenting...
Ebba och jag var bara uppe till tre i år. Vi var för trötta :P
Lördag: Vi sov till halv 11. Sen såg vi på film. Vi gick omkring i mysbyxor hela dagen och riktigt softade. Spelade wii och spelade spel.
Söndag: Vid 1 åkte vi in till Täby Centrum för att träffa Lolli och Sara. Vi gick och shoppade på mellandagsrean. Jag köpte två tröjor som totalt kostade 80 kr :O. I ♥ Mellandagsrea!
Klockan fem kom resten av familjen Nilehn och Mannerfelt, och vi åt middag tillsammans. Under kvällen blev det en hel del spring och bus ;)
Måndag: Ebba och jag låg i sängen till halv 11 då vi packade Ebbas väska. Efter nån timmes wii-spelande skjutsade vi Ebba till flygplatsen.
För några timmar sen kom min moster och min kusin.
Måste säga att jag känner mig väldigt ensam utan min älskling.
Jag saknar dig Ebba ♥
Nyårsfina brudar :)
Lite sent att säga, men jag har ju varit upptagen, och det är ju fortfarande ett nytt år ;)
Det här är mitt första inlägg 2011 :O
Jag älskar fyrverkerier ;D